Technical Information
Is it hot or not?
June 11th, 2021:
Why utility crews trust the Amprobe TIC 300 PRO
Feedback from a major US utility and the 30 underground crews who serve a city
In every truck, on every trouble call, there’s one tool crews reach for first to ensure their s
Choosing the Right Ground Resistance Tester
May 14th, 2021:
There are a wide variety of ground resistance testers available on the market today. These vary in design, features, and complexity, and include small handheld models as well as larger field instruments that are often packaged as part of a complete kit. These products also range in price, from a few hundred up to several thousand dollars. In this article, we discuss -
Testing for Carbon Monoxide in the Home
April 16th, 2021:
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a highly toxic, lighter than air gas which is most often found in an area surrounding a combustion source (e.g., a furnace, boiler or space heater) where there is insufficient oxygen to allow for complete combustion of fuel in use. Deemed the “silent killer” because it is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-irritating, carbon monoxide is -
Lascar Electronics Case Study: Monitoring Vaccines with WiFi Data Logger
March 15th, 2021:
Margiotti and Kroll Pediatrics are a US private practice dedicated to providing the best possible health care to their patients. The practice is a full-service care center, with five independent locations. Founded in 2001, Gerard Margiotti and Barry Kroll are running their medical business under the theme: “Modern care, old-fashioned c -
What is Kilowatt Hour (kWh) Metering?
February 15th, 2021:
Your energy bill is charged based on the total kilowatt hour consumption over a stated time period; typically in a month by month format. In large enterprises and innovative companies, they have taken measures to capture this figure and create accountability for the energy usage through energy audits, engineering solutions, load-shedding, demand response and through -
How to Megger a Motor
January 18th, 2021:
Technically speaking, you can’t "Megger" a motor. Megger is not a verb, but rather a registered trademark for a manufacturer of electrical test and measurement instruments, which coincidentally can be found on our website HERE. However, over the years, due to their strong reputation in the industry, the word Megger h -
Absolute vs Gauge Pressure Data Loggers
December 15th, 2020:
Many of our Monarch Instruments Track-It™ Pressure Data Loggers can be ordered with absolute or gauge sensors. The question of which type of sensor to use for a particular application comes up frequently enough that it warrants explanation.Please Note: Information taken from a Monarch Instruments application note and mainly pertains to products s
All About Data Loggers
November 11th, 2020:
Data loggers make up an important area of electronic measurement devices. They come in a variety of types, ranging in size, capabilities and pricing and can perform through a broad range of applications. This article is a brief overview of data loggers. We will explain what they are and how to use them. We will also discuss a few points to consider when selecting the proper data -
Digital Multimeter Safety
October 14th, 2020:
In our previous two technical bulletins, Introduction to Digital Multimeters - Part 1 and Introduction to Digital Multimeters - Part 2 we discussed the different -
Introduction to Digital Multimeters - Part 2
September 16th, 2020:
In our Introduction to Digital Multimeters - Part 1 we discussed the different types of multimeters as well as many of their basic features. This time we will jump right in to show how these meters are used to make different types of measurements.